Press release – 5G-VIRTUOSA Phase 3 conclusion
EU-funded project reaches final phase of exploration of 5G and virtualization in broadcast production

Project documentation: D4.3_5G-VIRTUOSA Communication Pack and Guide (Dec 2020)
This document presents a Communication Pack and a short Communication Guide for the VIRTUOSA project.

Project documentation: D4.1_5G-VIRTUOSA Website and Social Media Launch (Nov 2019)
The purpose of this document is to describe the website and the social media presence for the EU funded VIRTUOSA project.

Project documentation: D1.6_5G-VIRTUOSA Network management and Orchestration (Jan 2020)
Description of Nevion's VideoIPath orchestration and SDN control software, used to control the set-ups in VIRTUOSA project.

Project documentation: D4.6_5G-VIRTUOSA Communication activities- Year 1 (Nov 2020)
This document is a report on communication activities done in Period 1 of the 5G-VIRTUOSA project.

Project documentation: D4.2_5G-VIRTUOSA Communication Plan (Nov 2019)
This document is the Communication Plan for the VIRTUOSA project. It describes the
communication and dissemination activities that the VIRTUOSA consortium intends to
undertake to promote the project and its results effectively.

Project documentation: D2.1_5G-VIRTUOSA LAN pilot system (Nov 2020)
This document of the 5G-VIRTUOSA project gives a brief introduction to the build and setup of the VIRTUOSA LAN pilot system, up and running with solution architecture and final design.

Project documentation: D1.5_5G-VIRTUOSA SDN-based Media Server prototype (Dec 2019)
Description of Nevion's Virtuoso software-defined media node, used as the media server prototype in the 5G VIRTUOSA project.

Project documentation: D1.4_5G-VIRTUOSA Ethernet switch system prototype (Jan 2019)
This document gives a brief explanation and introduction to the important components of the Mellanox SN3700 switch, required to successfully operate the VIRTUOSA IP network.

5G VIRTUOSA Presentation
A short presentation, with speaker notes, introducing the 5G-VIRTUOSA project

Press Release
Nevion-led consortium receives 2 million euro
EU funding for 5G broadcast remote production project

The brand guidelines
This Virtuosa 5G logo is at the core of our visual identity. When using the logo there are some simple rules to follow.